Episode 251: Allhallowtide, Part 6

October 30th, 2023

Kristen Zaza


[Eerie Theme Music.]


[A very low voice. Over the course of the journey the voice will become higher and higher until it's our Narrator's]


There you are.

She wanted me to find you and bring you to the party.

Who am I? don't worry about that.

Why is it all dark here? Don't worry about that either.

I'll get you there safely.

It won't be long.


This way.


I don't feel like talking much.

She's more the talker, between us two.

But I know we're on the right path. You can trust me.


Not so dark anymore

We're outside

Outside, inside, doesn't make a difference for this castle

The stars are orange up there

The moon is just less than full and orange too

The leaves on the trees are red now, just as she told us they would be

They are decked with what I think are ladybugs, spotting every leaf

The grass looks black and shimmering, sparkling almost

And my favourite part

Out past the front door, trails of jack o'lanterns, large and small, line our way

Smiling faces watching us with their candlelight eyes

We're on the right path.


[Laughter and chatter briefly fades in and out]

[The voice is slightly higher]


Little monsters are running from place-to-place. One might guess they are in costume but that's what they always look like - they are little creatures, spirits, ghouls and goblins of all kinds, but all children, each one precious and feeling safe enough for one night of the year to run around together, laughing, looking for bigger monsters to give them treats, or witness their tricks

They feel safe in the pumpkin light

I wish they felt safe like that all the time.

Do you remember where we went last time we spoke?

The place she told you a love story?

I liked that one quite a bit.


[An echoing breath, a distant resonance]


She's a little worried because she has difficulty writing stories for Allhallowtide

She just wants to enjoy the holiday

Hopefully with you

and everyone

She hopes you like it.

She wants to share the holiday with everyone as though we were family

We are

She carved each of these pumpkins by hand

They may be simple, just two round eyes on most of them, some of them have a little round mouth too, she kept it simple because she wanted everything ready in time

She wanted to keep the message simple:

Dress up, have fun, dance in the candlelight.


[The voice is slightly higher]


There are frightful things in the world; fearsome things hiding around every corner

And in the bright light of day and screenlight and electricity we all feel the need to hide

Spotlights on us make us lie

But in the shadow of gentle candlelight...in the dim light of this orange moon...within the early-growing shadow of this blessed time

We can reveal what we truly are

We can enjoy each other fully

When we can't examine every minute and insignificant difference between us

We all seem the same when we're masked in shadow

which is the truer state, therefore?

I'm sorry, I'm pontificating, opining, musing

She didn't write a story, she wanted to celebrate instead

So let's just enjoy Halloween together.


[The voice is slightly higher]


The jack-o-lanterns have all grouped together around this place we're approaching

We're at an ancient temple, a place of aged white stone

Covered in vines


Leaves are red now

The now-red leaves from the trees swirl in the wind and do not land, they make circles in the sky like moths

The moon is so bright

Its white light passes through the red leaves and makes streaks of red light on the white stone

There are stairs going down, down, down

To a room

With a giant well

Unfathomably deep

We will not go down there

We stop where the jack-o-lanterns stop

Up at the top

Where we can look down and see the stairs, see that climbing ivy, look deep into that well once more

At night it is even emptier

But watch this


[Music; light and mischievous and eerie, like a haunted music box]


Take a pumpkin with a candle in it

Give it a little kiss and make a wish

Got one?


Now drop it down.


See? Countless pumpkins tumble down down down into that well

And they light it up in gentle firelight flashes that ripple across the stone of the well

Casting a shadow on Her


[Deep, echoing laughter; overlaps with the one who's been guiding us here the whole time laughing]


[The voice is slightly higher]


She's coming up

We'll be together again

Prepare, prepare, prepare

The pumpkins open their mouths

They rise up feet from the ground as though resting on bodies we cannot see

They will join the prayer with me

Prepare prepare prepare

Continue, my friends, say it with me

[The voice is slightly higher]

In the Shadow, you see, we are one

[The voice is slightly higher]

In the Shadow, you see, we are one

[The voice is slightly higher]

In the Shadow, you see, we are one

[The voice is slightly higher]

We rest in Eternity

Perpetual light shines within us, from us, through us

Rest in Peace

Rest in Peace

Rest in Peace in that candlelight

[The voice is slightly higher]

Rest in Peace

[The voice is slightly higher]

The little monsters sing it with us too

Because you needn't be dead and gone to rest in peace, do you know that?

In Peace

You may rest

Even if just for one night

Even as your heart beats

Even as your feet dance

Even as your voice sings





[Her voice is her own  again]


It's me


You know it's all me

Even as I blend perfectly with the shadow, you know me

You know it's me

You feel it , don't you?

Within? The little glowing light that makes the shadow greater, wraps you up in its embrace and demands you join that shadow?

If you close your eyes and look in rather than out, what do you see?


And sometimes golden or red light

From a little candle

You can't really see


Almost as though we are seeing ourselves from the inside of a jack o lantern

I don't care if it's nonsense

This is how I celebrate.

The pumpkins dance

You may not see their bodies but you see their heads bobbing, rolling, lolling, mouths moving, eyes searching

And within them little creatures run and laugh and play

It's all been leading to this

The endless well of shadow

The little monster children

Dancing, dancing, dancing

It's all led to this

I have no conclusion, there is no conclusion

Just dance with me

As I slip farther and farther away from the narrative

What is a narrative without a narrator?



Glorious and True

This may be our last Allhallowtide in this space, maybe it won't, I don't know

There's no knowing, there's no planning, there's no time

All we have is this

This celebration

This moment



I have a song about it.

i'd like you to dance

Even if it's only in the space of your closed eyes

Dance for Creation and Destruction, for Death and for Rebirth, for Order and Chaos

Regardless of how it makes you feel

I think it's the dancing that's important

Maybe that's why I give my life to music

We need something to dance to, don't we?

Come on, little pumpkins.

This one's for you.


[A song. The music box from before, with a slow piano, and layered voices]


You came to find me in my little world; I'm grateful for that more than I can say

And while you're here, don't fight your fear; it's what we're here for, after all, today.

This Halloween's a special one, or I think we have the chance to make it so

We'll wake the dead, so the dead can rise and wake up the living who don't know


That this is not the way the story ends

The story has a secret that I'll share, my friends -

The shadow picked me up and dragged me down

The shadow has the pen that wrote me down.


And in that shadow, I'll show you everything

Nothing can hide within that darkness

You'll tell me stories, all the stories within your heart

Nothing can stay hidden in the dark, in the cold, on this dark, cold night...

of Halloween.


You came to find me in these castle grounds; You've humoured me enough to find the way

See the souls on either side of you? Take up their hands, dance with your feet, and sway.

It's Halloween; and there's darkness still, but dancing pumpkins teach us on this night

Though they feel cold, dark emptiness, there's always room for a little bit of light.


This is not the way the story ends

The story has a secret that I'll share, my friends -

The Shadow picked me up and dragged me down

The shadow has the pen that wrote me down.


And in that shadow, hey look! It's everything

Nothing is left behind in that darkness

I told you every single story held within my heart

I cannot keep them hidden in the dark, in the cold, on this dark, cold night...

Of Halloween.


This is not the way the story ends

The story is no secret, it's told again, and again -

The Shadow picks us up and drags us down

The shadow has the pen that wrote us down.


And in that shadow, let go of everything

That you desire to hide within that darkness

Hear all the stories, the ones that break your heart

Nothing can stay hidden in the dark, in the cold, on this dark, cold night...

of Halloween.



[Out of character, as Kristen]

Well my friends, that's it.

That's this Allhallowtide Episode.

Hard to celebrate in a world so full of fear, but that's what this holiday is for. Facing our fears.


Fear is the hardest thing to let go of.

But remember that things are not always as they appear.

And we may appear to be alone and lost and flailing, at times

When we are actually together

And dancing.

So just hold each other's hands tight

And do it.


[Eerie theme music.]


(Host speaks as Kristen:)


Hello everyone, and Happy Halloween. welcome to the 6th Allhallowtide Episode we've shared together. That's incredible to me. This was episode 251 of On a Dark, Cold Night, and I am your host, writer, narrator, composer, etcetera,. behind the podcast, Kristen Zaza. This is a pretty unusual time. We have just experienced a lunar eclipse, we're coming up on Halloween, and despite all of the chaos, struggle, and pain in the world, the hatred and indifference, the stuff that hits us right in the heart...despite all of it, I celebrate the fact that the veil is thin between us all, including you and I. Happy Halloween.


I'm very excited this month to have an exclusive story available only on Amazon Music Canada until after Halloween - it's called "It Dances at Night" and you can listen to it in Amazon Music's Thrills and Chills collection. It's a little story I created about a woman processing a difficult time, and moving to a new home that's haunted by something rather rambunctious. I'm really proud of it - You can get early access to it by visiting music.amazon.ca/podcasts/pages/ghost-stories, so feel free to head on over there to check it out!


I would like to thank a new patron who pledged a monthly amoung in support of On a Dark, Cold Night on Patreon - thanks so much to Christopher Cennon! I'm so grateful and so glad you're enjoying the show, Christopher. And I'd also like to thank an Anonymous Somebody who supported the show by donating on Ko-fi.com - thank you so very much for that, I appreciate it so much! Every Patreon supporter of $1 US or more a month gets access to my complete soundtrack, while every supporter of $5 US or more gets that, a weekly bonus mini-meditation episode, and a monthly tarot reading video every full moon. To learn more, visit patreon.com/darkcoldnight. And to support one-time only with no perks like our generous Anonymous friend, you can visit ko-fi.com/darkcoldnight to learn more. We also have t-shirts and hoodies available for purchase at bonfire.com/on-a-dark-cold-night. And those mini "Quick Moment" meditations are also available by subscribing to the Sonar+ apple podcasts channel for 3.99 a month; you can do so by finding On a Dark, Cold Night on Apple Podcasts or by searching for "The Sonar Network" there too.


I'd love if you followed me on social media; I'm on instagram at darkcoldnightpodcast, Facebook and YouTube under "On a Dark, COld Night", tiktok and Bluesky at kristenzaza, all one word, and on Twitter at @ADarkColdnight. You can leave me  a rating and a review on Apple, Spotify, Facebook, or wherever else you like to do so.


Thank you so much for listening this week. I hope you have the loveliest Halloween, my friends. I'll be celebrating with you, and I know that if we all celebrate together, we'll all be able to feel that joy all the more profoundly. I'll be thinking of that.

Lots of love everyone. Sweet dreams.


[Eerie theme music]

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